Innovative Cities And City Clusters In The Era Of Digital Economy: A Talent Perspective

 Innovative Cities And City Clusters In The Era Of Digital Economy


The digital economy is quickly developing on a global scale, sparking an evolution of traditional industries with digital technology. With this shift, the new battlefield for global competitiveness has become establishing regional and global innovation centers and world-class city clusters.

To hep policymakers and leaders unleash the potential of digital economy through talent strategy and build up innovative cities and city clusters, LinkedIn China and the Tsinghua SEM Center for Internet Development and Governance (CIDG), jointly launched a collaborative report, “Innovative Cities And City Clusters In The Era Of Digital Economy: A Talent Perspective.” This first-of-its-kind report offers a comprehensive global analysis of the digital talent through the lens of employment, skills and the flow of digital talent across 26 cities and 11 city clusters world-wide. The report also reveals how regions and urban cities have deployed varied strategies to develop digital talent and their economic competitiveness. 


Key findings:

  • The most frequent digital talent migration is between the Boston-Washington city cluster and the SF Bay Area, followed by the migration between the YRD City Cluster, the GBA City Cluster and the Triple J (Jing-Jin-Ji) City Cluster in China. Viewed from the single-city flow, the five most attractive cities for digital talent are Dublin, Santiago (Chile), Shanghai, Shenzhen and Bangalore.

  • The proportion of digital talent in non-ICT industries is higher than that in ICT industries overall. Among non-ICT industries, those with the highest proportion of digital talent are manufacturing, healthcare, finance, corporate services, consumer goods, education, and social media.

  • Based on the relative penetration rate of tech skills and disruptive tech skills, the city clusters that have competitive advantage in both tech skills and disruptive tech skills include: Boston-Washington city cluster, SF Bay Area, UK-Ireland city cluster, Sydney Bay Area and Bangalore. City clusters that are competitive in disruptive tech skills include: Germany city cluster, Triple J (Jing-Jin-Ji) city cluster, YRD city cluster and Singapore. 


Download the full report in English here.


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